A 50 word story a day – June 2017

Day 1. ‘Joy.’ ‘Joy to the world’ is what they sing at Christmas time. But what about the rest of the year? It seems ‘compassion fatigue’ has become the malaise de jour. If you follow the mainstream, you’d barely have enough energy to keep your own heads above water, let alone send joy. Image: Bah… Continue reading A 50 word story a day – June 2017

A 50 word story a day – November 2014

1. Something blue Last month it was my mood that was blue. Sucking all the light out of my life. Treading slowly through the days and tossing through the nights. This month, it is the sea and the sky that are blue. Blindingly brilliant in their inspiration. Elevating me and my noggin. Ahh… 2. I… Continue reading A 50 word story a day – November 2014